Add Header
Design by using a header
Another possibility to personalise your module is the use of a banner in the header of the page. You can integrate a banner in GIF or JPEG format. Our suggestion: include the module or course title, maybe your institutional logo and design the banner along the lines of the style that you are using.
In this module, the graphics file for the banner looks like this:

The banner for the header should have a width of at least 1500 pixels, so it will cover any possibe screen size. Please also make sure it is not too high, otherwise the banner will take away too much of your screen height that you could use for the content.

[Insert Header]
If you want to add a banner in your header, go to the Properties Tab and choose the Package Tab. Click on "Load Image" in the Package Tab. In this case, please DO NOT add a project title, because it would overwrite your banner. If you want to delete that banner again, just choose "Clear Image". Please note: you will only see the banner after exporting your file.
Once you have changed your settings, please don't forget to click on "Apply" at the bottom of the Package Tab.