Step by Step: eXeLearning
This brief web-based training unit (study time approx. one hour) introduces you to eXeLearning, an open source authoring tool. On the following screens you will find a simple step by step guide to start working with this tool. You will also get helpful tips and tricks for your own work.
Our suggestion: try out eXeLearning with a small sample module yourself. Find out which elements are useful to you and where there are possibilities and limitations of this tool.
Please note: this module is optimised for the use with the Mozilla Firefox browser and a screen resolution of a minimum 1024 x 768.
We wish you an interesting learning experience!
Your eLearning Team

[Arndt Bubenzer]
The Author:
The Author of this module, Arndt Bubenzer, works in the filed of eLearning since 1995. Since 2004, he also specialises in the use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for course production and learning management. He is Managing Director of common sense - eLearning & training consultants in Vienna, Austria.