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Instructional Considerations

How to learn with eXeLearning
We would like to share some instructional thoughts about the work with eXeLearning.

eXeLearning is an instructional, didactical tool. Don't use it only to transport information. This tool can do much more than just the assembly of text and images on web screens. Use the instructional iDevices of eXeLearning to motivate your participants, to challenge them or to offer them small self tests.

Develop your content in very small steps. Long text passages scare participants away from your content. Rather offer more screens to the learners than long screens that need endless scrolling. A good motto: "one thought - one screen!"

Use a variety of different media formats! Add photos, animations, audios, self tests to the usual text and images. The mix will make your content much more interesting to the learners.

Maintain a similar structure for your different chapters/sections. This will help your learners in their orientation. They - after the first section - understand the general layout of your structure.

Rather develop smaller eXeLearning modules instead of huge content packages. Smaller modules can be transported more easily, imported into Learning Management Systems more easily and motivate learners much more. If you click on "File" and then "Merging", you can extract certain chapters/sections and publish them in form of a new eXeLearning module.

There are still people out there who like to read on paper. Think about adding printable files in Microsoft Word or PDF format, maybe a short summary of your chapter/section. Not everything HAS to be in web format. Especially long text passages could be integrated in the form of text documents.

Please let us know if you have other useful instructional ideas that we can publish here. Just send me an e-mail to