Step 1: Outline
The curriculum
The first step in a content development process with eXeLearning takes place in the Outline Pane. As an experienced instructor, you have already compiled a structure for your module (have it available in a word processing format). A pre-arranged module structure will substantially facilitate and accelerate your work.
Your first task: map this structure. Transfer the content outline of your module (from your text document) to eXeLearning. Specify the structure and content levels.
The next screens will show you how to transfer your curriculum to eXeLearing.
Please save your work after developing your curriculum/outline! eXeLearning does not produce automatic backup copies, therefore a regular saving/backup routine is essential. Store the file in the suggested *.elp (eXe learning package) format under a suitable name. Another important note: If you should close the program unintentionally, then eXeLearning will shut down without saving your file!